Sunday, October 11, 2009


My friends who were also retrenched early this year and I planned that during our unemployment we should have more time roving around for good food....there's such a wide variety of cuisine and street food to entice us and tease our tastebuds as eating is our passion. To launch our plan we drew up a list of all the popular eating places garnered from friends, personal encounters, magazines, tv programmes etc. that die die must go and eat. It was a formidable list and we were so enthusiastic about it that we started our journey...never mind the distant or out of place location, even before the list was finalised...can't wait to get into the gluttony stratosphere.
Now 9 months have passed and many food outlets later, our initial euphoria has boomz and we are also suffering from a jaded palate not because of over-indulgence.
No! definitely not! Truth is...We have been MSGed! by the food vendors. We now realise why all the food dished out by such acclaimed food outlets taste so delicious and yummy...and we raved about them after eating and then later realise our folly of consuming such "delicious" food. It is the liberal use of MSG (monosodium glutamate) to enhance the flavours and taste! Some chefs are very generous while some are more controlled but they all seem can't do without it. We are not intolerant (lucky or else we will have serious after effect like the so called "China Syndrome") but sensitive to being msg-ed and the resultant effect was a gripping thirst and dehydration that can only be eliminated by drinking litres of water and chinese we know why chinese restaurants serve chinese tea to go along with your food!!
Now that we have crashed back onto earth with a reality check, our eating out is more prudent....why pay to be poisoned? (Killing me softly with his msg!) Thus we are avoiding and black listing those food outlets that take pleasure is msg-ing us..and thanks to that we are eating more wisely and hopefully healthier but now holding a very small and shrinking list of food outlets to patronise.
We live to eat but now it maybe that we eat to boring....all because of MSG!

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