Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Look Back in Time: Pre University School Days (Part 2)

Part 2: A Nation in Shock

Before we knew it we were in the month of May. We were supposed to have our first semester examinations later in the month. What? Just started lessons only and now talking about exams. Sure stressful. History lessons (who killed Napoleon? How was Rome born? Who founded Singapore? Iskandar or Raffles? Aiyoh!). Geography (Achi was our Geography teacher and in one lesson asked us to feel the map and one bright spark answered her that it was "very smooth"..."not funny" she retorted and he had to stand up on the chair!), Economics (supply and demand must meet to reach an equilibrium, aiyah very chim lah), English Literature (taught by Ms Sara a very pint sized Indian lady elegantly dressed in colourful sari and a bindi on her forehead, very pretty, but had a mousy voice, teaching Shakesphere's Macbeth...and we had to act the part to better remember..what?) and GP (teacher asked one of our classmates what did he see in the passage..Brilliant answer: "Words!" Well Achi didn't have any sense of humour we found out. He was made to stand on the chair. Achi's favourite punishment).
So the teachers worked hard to drum the lessons into our ears but thick ear wax bounced them out equally quick.
Some of our teachers had interesting personalities. We had two history teachers. Ms Ang taught us Asian History and she was a Speedy Gonzales. Spoke super fast and only a tape recorder was able to catch what she said.  On the other hand our European History teacher, Mrs Goh was a total opposite. She spoke just above a whisper (we thought she had a bad sore throat and we offered her Hacks) but no according to her it was her vocal cords. Aiyoh, must be very romantic when she spoke to her husband lah. Whisper, whisper saja. So everyone had to gather in front of her. Image 40 of us and of course the girls were right in front with lots of enthusiasm. So we guys as gentlemen slowly moved backwards and had a good time at the back of the class..ha! ha! she couldn't shout at us. Of course in our back of classroom discussions someone argued that Singapore was founded by a Singh!!! Not Raffles. That was a shocking news!
Then we had an Economics teacher who was very short (someone saw that she had to put thick books on her car's driving seat for elevation! Sheee! don't tell) and she needed an assistant to write her notes on the blackboard. As we had no experience writing on the blackboard, you can imaging the outcome. Can't read lah! Hoi!
So how to pass the coming examinations?
However, a national event saved us from the cruel mid year examinations.
First from the radio and then saw it on television.
There were major racial riots in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and spreading fast. Few days later we were all told to bring canned food and some clothing the next day to be kept in the classroom for emergency. The worry was that we may have to stay back in school. Wah, tension and kancheong man. Then due to the escalation of violence of riots in the streets, all the schools were suspended..Hurray! we were given holidays until further notice (to hear from the radio, what if got no radio?). During the school assembly the principal warned and emphasised to us that we had to stay in doors at home and not venture out in case we were caught in the racial riots that had spread around Singapore.
After several weeks the riots were put down and peace had returned
We had to cut short our mid term school vacation and return to school to catch up with the syllabi so that we will be able to sit for our year end examinations. (who wants the exams?)
When classes resumed one of the bright sparks suggested we conduct "Operation Open Canned Food"  and the party held in the classroom. Indeed what a party we had during recess as some brought extra food and bread to eat with the canned food. It was real bonding as well. Teachers were not invited.

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